Monday, July 20, 2009

The American Life

I can't say enuff abt it,so i will limit it to one hard-boiled fact a time. One thing that most of us might agree with is-the undeniably synonymous link- The West & its shaky morals.So much so that if i were to play Word association ,the one word that stands for America would be --SEX!!!

The obsession is baffling , the exposure is in-your-face ,the language is well,we are all too aware of the "sex-ridden American slang" .That's one thing we have all adopted ,classifying us into the hip and the not-so-hip cliques.
Its funny how the most powerful & progressive nations of the world has limited its cultural identity to the bedroom alone.What would you say if Pamela Anderson was to go down in your country's history as a milestone??And if you were to mark down an iconic annal ,how does the Hugh Hefner era sound??With a multi -billionaire porn industry,one of the biggest in the country, do u need to guess the mental fodder most Americans mulch on??
And the saddest part is how early-on the fever catches ,its pathetic hearing a child name her grown-up ambition as being a prostitute.Mind you,this came straight from the mouth of an 8-yr old Indian-bred American.Apparently being a high-school virgin is some kinda stigma!!

The state of Nevada legalizes prostitution, consequences- glorified brothels dehumanizing women in general.Recounting one such incident of down-the-drain morals ,was a father who accompanied his very own daughter to the Moonlite Bunny Ranch(legalized brothel), wishing to pursue her dream of "Being a Ho".This so-called-father also bikini waxes his daughter , man...does the whole institution of "the Family" defeat u ??

I have begun to believe that Sex is a religion in America.It has perpetrated the music which is incomplete without a sexual innuendo,reality TV can boast of nuthing else,dancing only translates into making out on the dance floor!!!You will be amazed how the concept of a woman- as a wife,mother,sister ,nurturer is lost on these people.She is smothered being the harlot,skank & an object of lust. What is downright degrading is a culture which allows anyone to march up to u & in all blatancy spell your sexual appeal ,hardly flattering.And this, is considered genteel mannerism.

The preoccupation with fornication is plain suffocating ,its in the undertones of all humour ,in the guileless banter ,in the hungry wolfish stares of the Martians & Venusians alike.A night on the town is like a visit to the watering hole where the predator & prey foreplay over martinis & lagers.
Sex in America is compulsive,over-rated & apparently the only thing that exist b/w a man and a woman.The X & Y mutations have gone horribly wrong somewhere.Phew,phew...


  1. ek ke baad ek.... take a brk bongi..... heavy stuff takes sumtime to sink!;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. no doubts about the culture in America totally down the drains.............depressing to know ......
